
Según diversos foros de seguridad informática, la solución antivirus de AVG habría comenzado a advertir que el archivo user32.dll, que en realidad es un componente de Windows XP, era un malware, en concreto, el troyano PSW. banker4.APSA.

Sin embargo, según Wikipedia el archivo user32.dll es un archivo que permite a los programas para Windows implantar un interfaz gráfico. Al eliminar el archivo, se produce un serio problema. Lo anterior no significa que se trate de un archivo que no pueda ser infectado.

El resultado para los usuarios que confiaron en la recomendación de la solución antivirus de AVG fue diversos errores de funcionamiento, e incluso problemas al intentar reiniciar el equipo.

Afortunadamente, hay varias formas de solucionar el problema. La más sencilla de ellas sería, según un usuario, reiniciar Windows XP en modo seguro y pedir al programa antivirus re instalar el archivo eliminado.

Enlace aquí.

Datos de la solución de soporte de AVG

In case you are not able to run your Windows XP operating system after AVG 7.5 virus definition update, it may be caused by a false positive on a specific "user32.dll" system file. The file was moved to the AVG Virus Vault and deleted. Therefore it is not possible to start Windows. Please follow the steps below to rectify this situation:

In case you do not have Windows XP installation CD with the latest updates, we strongly recommend you to use our fix tool instead. The mentioned fix tool can be found in FAQ 1580.

WARNING! There is a high probability of incompatibility with other system files (for example with winsrv.dll) if the latest installation CD is not used. This can also cause inabitity to start operating system.

1. Please insert the Windows XP installation CD and boot computer from this CD (if you do not have the installation CD please follow steps mentioned in our FAQ 1580).

2. Choose and run Recovery Console.

3. Choose Windows operating system you want to repair.

4. Disable AVG Resident Shield from loading. You can disable loading services/drivers with "disable" command, i.e. you have to type the following commands (some

of them might not be present in all AVG editions):

disable Avg7Core
disable Avg7RsW
disable AvgClean
disable Avg7RsXP
disable AvgMfx86

5. Restore the User32.dll file from the Windows XP installation CD (instead "D:" use letter of your CD-ROM drive):

expand D:\i386\user32.dl_ c:\windows\system32\

In case the command fails, please use the following command to rename original user32.dll and repeat the command above.

ren user32.dll user32.bak

6. Restart computer and boot Windows normally.

7. In order to re-enable the AVG Resident Shield services we recommend that you perform the AVG repair installation as follows:

- Download the latest AVG installation package (AVG 7.5 for Windows) from the following webpage and save it on your hard disk:
(AVG Anti-Virus)
(AVG Internet Security)
(AVG Anti-Malware)
(AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall)

- Click on the "AVG 7.5 for Windows" link to download the installation file.

- When you are prompted, please do not open this file directly from the internet, but click the Save button and choose a location, where the installation file should be stored. We recommend saving the file to the Desktop.
- Restart your computer.
- Locate the downloaded AVG installation file (it has a four color square icon and its name starts with AVG75...) and launch the installation by double-clicking on it.
- Follow the installation wizard.
- When prompted, please select the Repair installation option.
- Restart your computer and update AVG.

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